
Rights Alliance helps UNICRI


United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) provides a one-stop facility offering high-level expertise in crime prevention and criminal justice problems with support to the police and prosecutor.

UNICRI recently started a case study on release groups in whic...

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Sweden has the largest piracy problem in the Nordics


According to a new study from Medivision, illegal consumption of film and tv-series is still a massive problem in the Nordics, although legal services are more accessible and popular than ever. Sweden has the biggest problem where 17 per cent of the population between the ages 15-74 have streamed or...

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Rights Alliance signs exclusive agreement with YouTube


Through a recent agreement with YouTube, RA is now able to give smaller rights holders access to Content ID- something previously only accessible for large rights holders. YouTube has granted RA, along with a few carefully selected companies which are not rights holders themselves, the right to offe...

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Coordinated European action against IPTV services


Recently Europol and Eurojust coordinated actions against illegal IPTV services in several European countries, one of the results was that over two million accounts were switched off. The Swedish part concerned, that has been one of the largest illegal IPTV services in the country.
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Yes to longer penalties for serious IP-crime


On June 9th the Parliament voted yes to the new legislation regarding longer penalties for serious IP-crime, we call it Ponténs law. The legislation will go into force on September 1st.

Today the longest penalty for IP-crime is maximum two years imprisonment. The new legislation introduce...

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Our dear colleague and friend, Henrik Pontén passed away


Henrik Pontén passed away on Maj 16th after being severely injured in a bike accident. Henrik was truly a front-line defender of intellectual property rights and copyright. He was motivated by a strong drive for justice, always going to bat for those who needed protection.

Henrik had a ...

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Dom i Swefilmer


Det blev höjda straff för de åtalade som drivit nordens största illegala streamingstjänst. Ärendet polisanmäldes av rättighetshavare genom Rättighetsalliansen och männen kunde lagföras efter en omfattande polisutredning.

Huvudmannen, en utländsk medborgare som tog hand om miljonintäkterna...

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Rekordskadestånd i Dreamfilm


Göta hovrätt meddelade just dom i målet mot de ansvariga för Dreamfilm.

Straffen sänktes men med ett rekordhögt skadestånd på 4 250 000 kr för det illegala tillgängliggörandet av filmen Maria Wern-Drömmen förde dig vilse dömdes ut.

Skadeståndet innebär en tydlig upprättelse för...

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Skärpta straff för upphovsrätts/varumärkesintrång


Utredningen gällande straff för vissa immaterialrättsintrång överlämnades i torsdags till regeringen. En ny brottsrubricering, grovt brott med upp till sex års fängelse föreslås införas för upphovsrätts- och varumärkesbrott.

I dag pågår det en organiserad piratverksamhet på nätet som f...

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Sveriges största piratkopieringsmål i hovrätten; Flera risker med att köpa piratkopior till hemmet


Fredagen den 17 november inleds rättegången mot Designers Revolt i Svea hovrätt, målet beräknas pågå till den 19 december. Målet är Sveriges största piratkopieringsmål. Rättighetsalliansen, som företräder rättighetshavarna, vill tillsammans med Trä- och Möbelföretagen (TMF) i samband med detta infor...

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First court case on illegal subtitles


One man has been sentenced for operating a service with illegal subtitles. The service made it possible to automatically combine a stream from an illegal source with a pirated subtitle in Swedish. This made it possible to watch pirated content with Swedish subtitles before the movie had been release...

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Thousands of jobs lost due piracy and counterfieting


Sweden is loosing more than 5 000 jobs and seven billions SEK due to piracy and counterfeiting according to a study from EUIPO.

The study includes the sectors: cosmetic and personal care, clothing, footwear and accessories, sport goods, toys and games, jewellery and watches, handbags, rec...

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1,5 years unconditional prison and high compensation for Designers Revolt


On November 14th the District court of Stockholm (the Patent and Market Court) sentenced two persons responsible for Designers Revolt to 18 months unconditional prison and to pay 27 million SEK in compensation to the rights holders. Two persons was also sentenced to two year conditional prison. Rig...

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BOS: Don´t advertise on illegal services


BOS, The Association of Online Gambling Operators, have sent out Rights Alliances ”black list”, with information not to Advertise on illegal websites. The Gambling Operators have been criticized in media for placing ads on illegal websites.

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Prosecution against Swefilmer


On June 17th, two persons suspected for copyright infringement and serious money laundering was prosecuted. One of them is a Turkish citizen living in Germany. Since has been held in custody since January, when he was extradited to Sweden, the trial will take place within a few weeks.


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Prosecution against Designers Revolt


Designers Revolts business idea was to copy design icons, produce them cheap in China and then sell them from the UK which have shorter terms for protection than the rest of Europe. However that did not keep the long arm of justice away. In December the prosecution against four persons involved in D...

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Swefilmer stänger ner


I början av juli genomförde polisen i Göteborg en husrannsakan mot Swefilmer, den största illegala streamingtjänsten i Sverige. Bakom polisanmälan står Rättighetsalliansen som representerar flera av de drabbade rättighetshavarna.

- Swefilmer har orsakat stor skada för rättighetshavarna. ...

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Pirate Bays domännamn förverkat


Idag kom Stockholms tingsrätt med beslutet att Pirate Bays SE-domän ska förverkas. Beslutet riktar sig mot Fredrik Neij som innehavare av domännamnen och

- Utslaget var väntat. Pirate Bay har i kommersiell skala begått enorma intrång mot rättighetshavare. För...

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Samordnad aktion mot Dreamfilm, Tfplay, Tankafetast och Piratehub


Ett stort kluster av illegala film- och tv-tjänster har stängts ner till följd av en polisutredning. Det har visat sig finnas ett samband mellan de illegala tjänsterna Dreamfilm, Tfplay, Tankafetast och Piratehub. Utredningen tog sin början i ett antal polisanmälningar från Rättighetsalliansen.
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Högsta domstolen skärper straffet för fildelare


I en principiellt viktig dom skärpte Högsta domstolen straffet för en man som var åtalade för fildelning av ett femtiotal filmer från 160 till 180 dagsböter.

Högsta domstolen slog fast att varje illegal fildelning, det vill säga nedladdning och en kortare uppladdning, var ett brott och a...

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Swedish Police raids the Pirate Bay


This morning the police in Sweden raided the Pirate Bay inside the location of a hosting provider in the Stockholm area. The Rights Alliance had filed the criminal complaint.

- Pirate Bay is an illegal commercial service that makes considerable earnings by infringing the works of others. ...

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Jail time for pirate


A 40 –year old man responsible for the popular site Tankaner was sentenced to five months prison time.

Rights Alliance filed a complaint against the man in 2012. During the police investigation Tankaner moved their service to countries were they perceived it diificult for the police to i...

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Miljonskadestånd för piratkopierade lampor


dag dömde Stockholms tingsrätt IkonM och dess grundare till 1 miljon kronor i skadestånd för att ha sålt piratkopierade lampor till Sverige. Vidare dömdes grundaren till villkorlig dom och 100 dagsböter, företaget Ikonm dömdes att betala 100 000 kr i företagsbot, domännamnet förverkades sam...

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Good Money Gone Bad


Digital Citizens Alliances survey shows that pirate services gets millions of dollars from legit brands, that often are unaware of where their adverts ends up. RA is working with Swedish advertisers and ad brokers to enlighten the importance of not supporting illegal sites.

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High damages for filesharing one movie


Today Västmanland district court ordered a 28 year old man to pay 4 300 000 SEK (652 000 USD) in damages for filesharing one movie. He was also convicted to suspended jail and 160 hours community service for filesharing 517 movies.

The damage is the biggest that has been ordered for a Sw...

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Piracy affects the Book Industry


On behalf of The Swedish Publishers Association, Rights Alliance conducted a study to examine to what extent the book industry is affected by piracy. The presence of one hundred specific titles was examined on a scene-server, and on private and public bittorrent sites. We also investigated how easy ...

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Pirate bay has no safe harbour in the Nordics


A couple of weeks ago the internet access providers of Pirate bay got contacted. Within a week they disconnected the site and Pirate Bay made a short stop at Phonera/Availo. They also acted quickly and Pirate Bay had to find another access provider.

At the moment there a many theor...

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Ipred: Telia ska lämna ut abonnentuppgifter


Ipred: Telia ska lämna ut abonnentuppgifter
Högsta domstolen har beslutat att inte meddela prövningstillstånd i Antipiratbyråns/Rättighetsalliansens ärende mot TeliaSonera. Därmed står Hovrättens beslut att uppgifterna ska lämnas ut fast. Även tingsrätten kom fram till samma bedömning.

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Ja till abonnentuppgifter från HD


Idag fattade Högsta domstolen beslut i det första Ipred-ärendet gällande ljudböcker (mål nr Ö 4817-09). Till glädje för rättighetshavarna ska operatören lämna ut uppgiften på den abonnent som drev den aktuella piratservern. Den stora framgången med avgörandet är att domstolarna återigen öppnas upp f...

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New government bill regarding Film


Today the Swedish government decided on a new government bill regarding Film. The bill will be presented on October 16th at the Swedish Film Institute. Anna Serner, MD at the Film Institute and the Minister for Culture Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth will discuss the new conditions for the Film. The bill wi...

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Ipred bedöms rättsäker av regeringens utredare


Idag överlämnade ipred-utredningen sitt arbete till regeringen. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen är att det finns tillräckliga rättssäkerhetsgarantier i lagstiftningen.

Samtidigt som ipred-lagstiftninen trädde i kraft april 2009, tillsattes utredningen. Arbetet har gått ut på att analysera de...

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Copyright within the Arts - discussion about Sturtevant


With reference to the current exhibition at the Modern Museum in Stockholm "Image over Image" by Sturtevant there will be a discussion tomorrow evening on the theme: Copies, clones, doppelgänger and copyright.

The event starts at 5:30 pm, for more info please go to the following li...

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EU gives a green light to copyright enforcement


Today the Court of Justice of the European Union came to the conlusion that the national courts are able to disclose subscriber information according to the Directive of Civil Enforcement (2004/48).

-The Swedish legislation "Ipred" has now been tried all the way up to the European Court ...

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EU-verdict tomorrow


Tomorrow the Court of Justice of the European Union will leave its ruling in the E-phone-case (C-461/10). The Court will decide if the directives on data retention are interfering with the right to information according to the Directive on Civil Enforcement.

The advocates-general Niilo J...

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Sequestration of Swepiracy pirate


Today was the sequestration hearing in Norrköping district court against the person suspected of having runned Swepiracy. At the hearing it emerged that the suspect has received SEK 750 000 in donations through the illegal file-sharing service. The court decided that the assets, total SEK 120 000, t...

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International bust against Swedish Pirate Site


On February 23rd the Police in Sweden and the Netherlands went through and raided the illegal service Swepiracy, which was one of the most important sources for illegal copies of Swedish movies. Swepiracy had tried to hide its activities by placing their servers in the Netherlands, but Swedish and ...

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Search against Pirate Bay end- user


On the same day as the Swepiracy bust, the police in the Gothenburg region made a search against a person suspect of extensive illegal file sharing on Pirate Bay and Shareitall. Rights Alliance filed the police complaint. Rights Alliance have collected evidence against the suspect on several separat...

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The end of the Pirate Bay trial – next step


On February 1st the Swedish Supreme court decided not to grant leave to appeal for the persons behind the Pirate Bay. The decision means that they are convicted to imprisonment between four to ten months. They should also pay 46 million SEK in damages.

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About us

Against illegal commerce

Rights Alliance works mainly against different forms of internet crime. Mainly we use preventive measures. In some cases this is not enough, we then have the competence to move forward with legal claims. We will give you an overall strategy to act effectively against infringements. Different measures are often needed to achieve certain results.

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