Thousands of jobs lost due piracy and counterfieting


Sweden is loosing more than 5 000 jobs and seven billions SEK due to piracy and counterfeiting according to a study from EUIPO.

The study includes the sectors: cosmetic and personal care, clothing, footwear and accessories, sport goods, toys and games, jewellery and watches, handbags, recorded music, wine and spirits and pharmaceuticals. If movie piracy had been included the number of lost jobs in Sweden would have been significantly higher.

- There is a trend where international criminals are focusing on Sweden, since the penalties are low and the revenues are high. The growing criminality causes damages to the creative sectors and the entire society; Henrik Pontén at Rights Alliance comments the study.

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Against illegal commerce

Rights Alliance works mainly against different forms of internet crime. Mainly we use preventive measures. In some cases this is not enough, we then have the competence to move forward with legal claims. We will give you an overall strategy to act effectively against infringements. Different measures are often needed to achieve certain results.

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