High damages for filesharing one movie


Today Västmanland district court ordered a 28 year old man to pay 4 300 000 SEK (652 000 USD) in damages for filesharing one movie. He was also convicted to suspended jail and 160 hours community service for filesharing 517 movies.

The damage is the biggest that has been ordered for a Swedish movie. The biggest part refers to compensation and should equalize what the man would have payed if he had bought a license to distribute the movie for free downloads. The man is also to pay damages for other losses such as disturbance on the market and good will losses.

- This shows what damages the creators and rights holders are caused by illegal filesharing. In the future a number of criminal cases are up for trial and damages will be brought forward for one or several movies, says Henrik Pontén, legal counsel at Rightsalliance.

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Against illegal commerce

Rights Alliance works mainly against different forms of internet crime. Mainly we use preventive measures. In some cases this is not enough, we then have the competence to move forward with legal claims. We will give you an overall strategy to act effectively against infringements. Different measures are often needed to achieve certain results.

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